Location meublée : Serviced Apartments City Centre 40069

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Description de l'appartement


Détails des chambres

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1-Bedroom (Array)

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2-Bedroom (Array)

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Luxurious living knows no bound when it comes to paid service apartments in Paris. King size bedrooms accommodating 4 person altogether, MoLi Le Marais Apartment stands apart as a class. Located at the very heart of the city, the entire apartment is constructed following the enriched artistic traditions of Parisian culture. As it shows off externally, inside the building you get the same touch of living style. Every room is equal in size, though services vary depending on the tariff charge. The appearance, look and atmosphere that one gets in these apartment is very enjoying and not that expensive.


Google helps to locate these apartments. Even websites always come with details of address and direction. The best part of choosing a service apartment like this is to keep on connected with the rest of the world. Expanded stay in city like Paris needs to be at an apartment from where connecting anywhere is smooth and possible in less time. Bars, shops and restaurants are easily accessible from this apartment. Even the historical monuments are at very near of the residents of these apartments..
Maps & directions


These rooms are well furnished with queen size bed and big parlor windows. Landscape of the surrounding is easily visible through these rooms giving a sense being near to life. Uninterrupted internet communication, weekly maid’s services makes rooms clean and hygienic. 4persons accommodation is something really rare in other paid apartments. Spacious rooms relax you after an eventful day. Hot water supply, wonderful bathtubs and well decorated equipped washrooms know the standard of your living. Making the entire ambience better, these apartments welcome everyone to the city life of Paris.

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